> Best Skin Care Tip > Vitamin C Skin Treatment

Best Forms of Vitamin E for Facial Wrinkles

There are few nutrients that are very important for preventing facial wrinkles and sagging skin such as the vitamin C. There is a tremendous amount of scientific evidence that vitamin C is essential for the skin's manufacture of collagen. This is the tough, elastic protein that provides a framework for the skin that lasts for years and years. Without collagen, the skin would literally fall apart, as would muscles, tendons, sinews, and bone.

Vitamin C counteracts the effects of eating unhealthy fats

Vitamin C counteracts the effects of over consumption of unhealthy fats. It slows down the production of arachidonic acid, the building block of a tremendous number of inflammatory chemicals. This is the same arachidonic acid you get when you eat beef, eggs, lunchmeat, or deep-fried foods. The body produces this chemical in even greater amounts when you eat a diet high in sugar.

Not only does vitamin C stop the production of arachidonic acid, it turns a large part of the skin's supply of arachidonic acid into a far less irritant chemical (leaving just enough for when inflammation is needed, for example to surround the stinger of a bee to keep the toxin from getting into the rest of your body). When inflammation goes away, and there is no new irritation, the skin can return to its smooth and silky state.
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Food or Vitamin C supplements?

When you eat a food that's rich in vitamin C or you take a vitamin C pill, the vitamin is digested with your food. Then it is absorbed through your colon. Finally, it is sent into circulation through the bloodstream to every place your body needs it. It takes a few hours for the vitamin C you take orally to reach your skin, but the bloodstream delivers it in just the amounts it needs to nourish collagen and protect against free radicals.

Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin, preventing facial wrinkle

Medical scientists have known for a very long time (since the 1930's) that vitamin C is essential for healthy skin. It wasn't until the 1980's, however, that one researcher got the idea that if it was good for your skin to get vitamin C from the bloodstream, then it might be even better to apply it directly to the skin. Researchers ground up vitamin C tablets and put them in a cream to give volunteers who wanted to get rid of wrinkles.

Vitamin C skin cream in the old days

The results were not a full-fledged disaster, but they weren't very promising, either. Dabbing vitamin C powder on the skin did relieve wrinkles, but it also caused rashes. Moreover, all the vitamin C was lost every time the test participants washed their faces. And if the vitamin C came in contact with iron or certain other metals, it lost its antioxidant characteristics.

In what chemists call a Fenton reaction, the topical vitamin C created an especially dangerous free radical called a hydroxyl radical, which accelerated wrinkling and sun damage to the skin. At first it seemed that vitamin C and skin was not a very good combination.

The right kind of vitamin C for you skin

Undeterred, and motivated by the potential fortune in new cosmetics, medical researchers continued to look for ways to supply vitamin C to the skin from the outside of the body in. It turns out there is good vitamin C, and bad vitamin C, at least in terms of how they are used by the body.

The vitamin C you get from a supplement or in your food is L-ascorbic acid. This form of vitamin C is water-soluble. Solubility in water makes it possible for the bloodstream to transport it inside the body, but it also makes it easy to lose the vitamin outside the body. Vitamin C can be washed away or sweated away or moisturized away, at least in the L-ascorbic acid form.

How Bad C Became Good C?

Medical researchers got the idea that what they needed to do was to modify vitamin C that was fat-soluble, rather than water-soluble. This meant it would not be easy to wash away (unless you happen to use a super-fatted soap). It would not be lost to perspiration, and it would linger in the sebum and the fatty lower layer of the skin.

This fat-soluble form of vitamin C is known as a vitamin ester, more specifically as ascorbyl palmitate. The researchers chemically combined vitamin C with the fat in palm oil to produce a vitamin that would stay on the skin.

The results from ascorbyl palmitate creams were dramatic. The redness and inflammation the earlier vitamin C creams caused was not seen with ascorbyl palmitate. Some women notice their wrinkles begin to disappear in as little as 30 days. When the research doctors gave volunteers tiny artificial sunburns, the new vitamin C creams helped the skin heal literally overnight. A scientist named Olga Marko explained the benefits of vitamin C by confirming that it stimulated the fibroblasts, the specialized cells in the skin that produce the collagen it needs to stay wrinkle-free.

How to make vitamin C work even better for your skin with Fyola?

Vitamin C creams are great way to treat wrinkles, but Fyola ultrasound technology makes them work even better. Ultrasound opens microscopic channels in the skin that are just wide enough to allow nutrients to reach the deepest layers of the skin. Dramatic results from vitamin C are even more dramatic with Fyola ultrasound.

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The Best Vitamin C To Prevent Facial Wrinkle > Best Skin Care Tip > Vitamin C Skin Treatment