Sagging Skin and Facial Wrinkles: Three Mistakes Most Women Do

Does Skin Really Age?

If you were to examine the skin all over your body, chances are you would find more sagging skin in some places than others, and facial wrinkles might be the only wrinkles you have. So, if you have sags and bags and fine lines and wrinkles on some parts of your body but not on others, is the problem in skin care really aging? Isn't true that all of your skin is the same age?

Three Mistakes That Most People Do
That Damage Their Own Skin

  • Too much washing
  • Too much sun damage, and
  • Intrinsic factors that damage skin from the inside out, such as too much sugar in the diet, smoking, stress, and exposure to various environmental toxins

Let's look at these three causes of sagging skin and facial wrinkles one by one.
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Mistake 1: Peeling or washing can cause sagging skin

It would be great if all you had to do to get rid of a wrinkle were to wash it away. This is the basic idea behind various kinds of facial peels, from the gentle alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid peels you can use at home to the laser and dermabrasion peels done in the dermatologist's office.

And, sure enough, to a certain extent, you really can lift and separate dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and loosen the skin enough that fine wrinkles fade and disappear.

Too much peeling, just like too much washing, unfortunately does not cause fine lines and wrinkles to disappear.

Tip: Washing too often with harsh soaps and hot water
can actually make wrinkles worse.

That's because the tough outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, is there for a reason—to protect the tissues underneath. Too much abrasion of this outermost protective layer of the skin stimulates the pigment-producing melanocytes to make protective antioxidants, which accumulate in areas of skin we call age spots.

"Drying out" the skin robs it of the natural oils that keep it flexible and wrinkle-free.

Mistake 2: Sunlight can cause more facial wrinkles

An even greater source of sags and wrinkles is sun damage. Everybody needs to get at least a little sun. The skin uses sunlight to make vitamin D, which, oddly enough, helps protect against skin cancer.

Even when it's overcast and even on a cold winter day, anytime you step outside during daylight hours UV light is going to fall on unprotected skin. The power of UV-A and UV-B rays knocks some of the electrons off the molecules of oxygen traveling on hemoglobin through the capillaries just beneath the skin. This creates free radicals of oxygen that quickly go on attack.

Free radicals of oxygen are attracted to arachidonic acid. This is a byproduct of the digestion of the kinds of fat found in beef fat, lard, eggs, and lunchmeat. When arachidonic acid is modified by free radicals, it enters a cascade of chemical reactions. Especially in the presence of high levels of sugar, arachidonic acid is transformed into the inflammatory chemicals that redden, irritate, and tighten the skin. And tight skin has a way of becoming wrinkled skin. The wrong kind of fat and too much sugar make skin wrinkle.

Mistake 3: Too Much Stress, another cause of sagging skin

Stress, of course, also damage skin, but the effects of stress and environmental pollution are noticed all over the body, not just in the face or areas of the skin that receive a lot of sun.

If you are primarily concerned about sagging skin on the face and facial wrinkles, your first priorities should be gentle skin care and sun protection, and then healthy diet. With the help of good skin care products and ultrasound to deliver them to the layers of the skin that need them, sun protection and diet can be enough to achieve restored and renewed youthful, firm skin.


Here Is Your Solution: Ultrasound Skin Therapy

How Ultrasound Skin Therapy Can Reduce the Sagging Skin?

Ultrasound skin therapy is also associated with a process called microdermabrasion. Unlike peeling and washing with harsh soap, ultrasound skin therapy is not aggressive. With ultrasound facial machine you can loosen dead skin but not so much as to damage living tissues. Dead skin cells are removed from the skin so the natural texture will be restored.

Ultrasound also helps soften lines and reduce facial wrinkles. The effect of the ultrasound machine may not be immediate. However, as the skin creates more collagen and elastin, it gains more and more flexibility, allowing the sagging skin and facial wrinkles to disappear.

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